white cup of turkish coffee under sun

How to Make Turkish Coffee | 2 Methods

There's an old Turkish proverb that says, "Coffee should be black as hell, strong as death, and sweet as love." In the rich and storied world of coffee, Turkish coffee holds a special place.

This centuries-old brewing method has been a cherished part of the culture and daily life in Turkey and the surrounding regions.

As the world modernizes, we find ourselves constantly juggling between tradition and convenience, and the art of making Turkish coffee is no exception.

In this article, we will explore the two main methods of making Turkish coffee: the traditional cezve method and the contemporary electric Turkish coffee maker method.

Brewing the traditional way requires patience and practice, but with an electric cezve, it is possible to make Turkish coffee with ease.

While there's an undeniable charm and authenticity in the time-honored cezve technique, the electric method offers a modern, convenient alternative for coffee lovers who want to enjoy this distinctive brew in their busy lives.

This article will explore how to make Turkish coffee traditionally and its alternate method—making Turkish coffee with an electric cezve.

Traditional Cezve Method

The cezve method is the traditional and original way of making traditional Turkish coffee. While it is the simplest method, it requires patience, attention, and a little practice to master. Here’s what you need to get started:

Traditional Tools and Ingredients

To make Turkish coffee using the cezve method, you will need the following:

  • A cezve (a small, wide-bottomed pot, often made of copper)
  • Finely ground coffee (preferably Arabica beans)
  • Cold water
  • A spoon
  • Sugar (optional)
  • Cardamom or other spices (optional)

Traditional Turkish Brewing Steps

  1. Fill a metal cezve with water (about 1 and ½ cups), and place it on the stovetop over medium heat. Bring it to a near boil.
  2. Add the desired amount of sugar (if using) to the cezve and allow it to dissolve.
  3. Add a heaping tablespoon of finely ground coffee per 1 cup of water to the cezve.
  4. Stir the mixture gently to combine the coffee grounds, sugar, and water. Stir enough to incorporate everything but no longer.
  5. Allow the coffee mixture in the cezve to heat up slowly. Keep a close eye on the cezve to prevent it from boiling over.
  6. As the coffee mixture heats, a thick foam will begin to form on the surface. Brewing should take around 10 minutes (or to taste).
  7. Once the coffee starts to froth and rise, remove the cezve from the heat.
  8. Gently pour the coffee into small, pre-warmed cups for drinking. Garnish each cup with some of the foam that is likely left over in the cezve.

A traditional cezve method is a good option if you are looking for an authentic, hands-on way to make Turkish coffee.

However, it can be challenging to master the timing and not let it all boil over. The payout is worth it when you do master it. This is a crowd-pleasing way to make coffee!

Electric Cezve Method

This method is a more modern and convenient approach to making Turkish coffee, using a specialized electric kettle (cezve). It maintains the basic premise of traditional brewing but brings with it modern convenience.

Electric Tools and Ingredients

To make Turkish coffee using an electric Turkish coffee maker, you will need:

  • An electric Turkish coffee maker (designed specifically for this brewing method)
  • Finely ground coffee (preferably Arabica beans)
  • Cold water
  • Sugar (optional)
  • Cardamom or other spices (optional)

Electric Turkish Brewing Steps

  1. Add the desired amount of sugar (if using) to the coffee pot of the electric Turkish coffee maker.
  2. Add one heaping teaspoon of finely ground coffee per cup of water to the coffee pot.
  3. Pour cold water into the coffee pot, filling it to the desired level based on the number of servings you plan to make.
  4. Stir the mixture gently to combine the coffee grounds, sugar, and water. Be sure to stir until the sugar is dissolved.
  5. Place the coffee pot onto the electric Turkish coffee maker base and turn the appliance on, usually by flipping a switch or pressing a button. As the coffee mixture heats, a thick foam will begin to form on the surface. The electric coffee maker will typically maintain an optimal temperature to prevent the coffee from boiling over.
  6. Once the coffee starts to froth and rise, the electric coffee maker will usually turn off automatically, indicating that the brewing process is complete.
  7. Carefully remove the coffee pot from the electric coffee maker and gently pour the coffee into small, pre-warmed cups.

The electric Turkish coffee maker method is a convenient and easy-to-use option for those who want to enjoy the benefits of Turkish coffee without the need for close monitoring and constant stirring.

The appliance's temperature control and automatic shutoff feature to ensure a consistent result each time, making it an ideal choice for beginners or those with busy lifestyles.


Common questions and answers about Electric Cezves and Turkish Coffee.

What is an Electric Turkish Cezve?

An electric Turkish cezve is a portable coffee maker that is designed to make Turkish coffee. It typically consists of a heating element, a water reservoir, and a filter basket.

How do I use an Electric Turkish Cezve?

To use an electric Turkish cezve, first, add the coffee grounds to the filter basket. Then, add the water to the reservoir. Finally, turn on the electric Turkish cezve and allow it to brew.

What are the benefits of using an Electric Turkish Cezve?

The main benefit of using an electric Turkish cezve is that it is a convenient way to make Turkish coffee. Electric Turkish cezves are also relatively inexpensive.

How should I clean my Electric Turkish Cezve?

To clean an electric Turkish cezve, unplug it, rinse the filter and reservoir with water, and use mild soap to clean the exterior. Depending on the model, you can use a descaling solution periodically.

Should I Serve Water with Turkish Coffee?

Yes, you should serve cold water with Turkish coffee. The water helps to cleanse the palate and prepare it for the strong flavor of the coffee. Additionally, the water can help to reduce the bitterness of the coffee.

About the Author
Founder of Windansea Coffee sitting at a beach smiling wearing a beanie
This article was written by Jordan O'Hara, Founder of Windansea Coffee. 
You can learn more about him here.